Tawanna Jones

SCA Health
Associate Director, Human Resource Business Partner at SCA Health

Revitalize and Rise — 3 Quick Strategies to Beat Burnout and Feel Better

Women leaders often face unique challenges, and burnout is a prevalent issue. In a recent survey, 89% of workers have experienced burnout within the last year. This session is designed to equip participants with tangible strategies to navigate these challenges, promoting sustained success while enhancing their overall well-being.

About Tawanna: 

Tawanna Jones serves as the Associate Director, Human Resource Business Partner at SCA Health. She completed her undergraduate degree in Business Administration and her master’s degree in Public Administration and Policy Analysis at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. In her spare time, Tawanna enjoys listening to audiobooks, dancing, and enjoying game nights with her husband Dion, son Emmett and daughter Madison.



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