Mammograms Are Self-Care Too

by | Oct 26, 2021 | General, Wellness

Every October women are reminded of the risks associated with breast cancer and ways to help prevent the disease. The Mayo Clinic says the best ways to prevent breast cancer include limiting alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically active, breast-feeding, and limiting postmenopausal hormone therapy.

Getting your mammogram every year is also an important way to monitor possible breast cancer early on. Stamford health suggests getting a mammogram every year because they have helped reduce breast cancer-related deaths in the U.S. by 30% since 1990.

Most women understand the benefits of getting a mammogram, but will still continue to put them off. The reason?

“I don’t have time.”

“I can’t afford the procedure.”

“It’s uncomfortable.”

“I’m afraid.”

Taking care of yourself is a vital part of being human, but why do women continuously put themselves last when it comes to scheduling self care? Self-care is not selfish, taking the time to take care of yourself and your needs can only make you a better person, mother, partner, and employee.

This breast cancer awareness month we are reminded again that women need to take care of themselves in order to continue taking care of the ones they love. So take that walk. Make that yoga class. Treat yourself to date night. And know that mammograms are self-care too!

Contributed by Carrie Davis


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