Getting Things Done


Serene Almehmi is an Intern from the University of North Carolina. (photo by Donn Young.)

Getting things done is much bigger than checking items off a to-do list, though
that is incredibly satisfying. It involves adopting new habits, tools, and processes that
can help us become our most productive selves.

Setting intentional priorities is the framework for getting things done. If everything
is important, nothing is. To-do lists are often lengthy and ever-evolving with little thought
given to how much priority each item should receive.

Five choices can transform your checklist and help you focus on extraordinary

1. Act on the Important
People have the potential to achieve remarkable things, not by getting everything done,
but by getting the right things done.

2. Go for the Extraordinary
Dream big, take every opportunity you can to learn, and take action.

3. Schedule the Big Rocks
The Big Rocks are your most important priorities, so put them in your calendar first.
That way, less important things have to fight their way onto your calendar.

4. Rule your Technology
With technology, our attention is always under unprecedented attack. To reduce the
interruption, check your email at scheduled times and put away your phone as much as
possible at work.

5. Fuel your Fire
Today’s exhausting, high pressure work environment burns people out at an alarming
rate. Take time for yourself to renew your sources of energy: be social, seek inspiration,
exercise, and rest.

Do you want to know how we can help you gain Momentum?

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