20 Years of Momentum: Kayla Jones

Kayla Jones
Harbert Management Corporation

When Kayla Jones joined the team at Harbert Management Corporation in 2021, she faced exciting new challenges and opportunities for growth. Since then, she has risen steadily at the company and was recently promoted to an Associate of Portfolio Reporting position.

“There are so many people here who are invested in wanting me to succeed. It’s been extremely refreshing, and I really appreciate their leadership and dedication to my growth,” she shared.

As she’s growing in her role and responsibilities, she’s also growing as a member of our fifth Upward Class. She credits the leaders at Harbert for encouraging her to apply to the program. “I’m so glad I applied at the time I did. I was experiencing a shift in my position, and it has helped me develop skills and learn how to lead here at Harbert,” she said.

Dr. Lisa Graham and Dr. Julie McDonald, McDonald Graham

Just four months into the program, she has been most impacted by a session facilitated by McDonald Graham. She mentioned that their session has helped her reframe her thoughts on work-life balance and motivated her to put her best foot forward in all areas of her life. “We all have this idea of work-life balance as a scale, but that’s not true. It’s a balance of elements of your life – sometimes you need to put more focus on one aspect than you do on others. It changed my perspective on how I show up and do my best in all things,” Kayla said.

Being new to Birmingham, Kayla also credits her experience in Upward with the ability to expand her network and grow more connected to the community.

“Upward has provided the social interaction and the network of people that I need to get other viewpoints and perspectives. I’ve loved getting to learn new thoughts and ideas from the women in this program,” Kayla said.

Since 2019, more than 220 women have graduated from the Upward Early-Career program. Learn more or apply for our 2024 Upward classes here.

Kayla’s Upward Co-Mentoring Group


Contributed by Serene Almehmi
June 16, 2023

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